Empowering children, transforming lives

Courses for Teachers and Caregivers
Polish as a second language with emotional regulation component. Our training program combines modern glottodidactic methodology with stress reduction and emotional regulation techniques.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Psychosocial care and support is about helping children, families and communities to improve their psychosocial well-being.

Refugees in Polish Schools
Our programs’ objective is to help kids find a place for themselves here in Poland and to support them in acquiring crucial language abilities and psychosocial skills.
Refugees in Polish Schools
We connect those who need help with those who can help by creating interactive, learner-centered, highly practical, and directly applicable workshop and courses for children in need and the care-takers.
Support Us
Support our youth!
Everything we do is possible because of our donors. If you want to contribute to the well-being of children in need — and you like scalable solutions that make a real difference — support us and let us take care of the rest.

Donate today
Your donation will help us organize workshops, buy necessary equipment and products.
Direct transfers
Fundacja Samodzielność od Kuchni
ul. Rejtana 15 lok. B
02–516 Warszawa
KRS 0000718683
NIP 521 381 37 06
Donate in EURO
PL10 1090 1043 0000 0001 5579 0722
Donate in Dollars
PL92 1090 1043 0000 0001 5579 0701

Our Mission & Vision
Our organization brings empowerment, safety, and life skills to children in need.
The SOK Foundation helps children in need gain a sense of security and develop the life skills that lead to empowerment. In our work we combine acting from the heart with thinking like a business and a first response team’s sense of urgency — we love working on behalf of children, we know how to get real results, and we don’t waste time because time won’t wait.
How We Operate
Scalable Aid
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
JPJO Polish As A Second Language Instruction Course
Resilient Youth
Learn how to get involved
As a small and agile organization we don’t maintain a separate program for training interns and volunteers, nor do we recruit for such positions. However, we are happy to accept help that supports our mission and lightens our load. If you are interested please email us or drop by our office for a chat.